Tips To Keep Your Cattle Healthy And Happy During Winter
The winter months may not be a hassle or stressful to people but also to animals. For one, cattle are among the species that may be badly affected by the cold months. Why? Cattle may find it hard to put on weight or maintain their ability to produce a sufficient amount of milk. For this reason, experts say cold days are a stressor in a cow’s life since they affect the animal’s daily routine.

So how can you keep your cattle happy and healthy during the winter months? One important tip from the experts is to provide the cattle with potable water 24/7. This water source must be accessible to the animals since their bodies (weighing 100 pounds) need around one to two gallons of water.
Understand that when the cattle do not consume sufficient water amount, they may suffer from impaction or colic. Thus, do everything to encourage your cattle to drink water. You may install tank heaters in the water sources you will prepare. Read the guidelines or instructions in using the tank heaters before allowing your cattle to drink from their water sources to avoid fires or electric shocks.
Your veterinarian Westminster, MD is a valuable resource regarding the health and needs of cattle.